Climate Strategy: Quality - Environment - Work Safety

Climate and environmental protection have always played an important role at our company.

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Renewable Energy

From photovoltaic systems and hydropower to the steel recycling system

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Climate Footprint / Climate Neutrality

The first CO2-neutral foundry

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Energy Efficiency and Resource Conservation Measures

A photovoltaic system was installed on the roofs of our buildings in 2010.

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Hands-on environmental protection

Our “Lohmann Honey” is very popular every year with our employees.

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FAQ on Climate Neutrality

Questions and answers on the topic of climate neutrality

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Environmental protection, climate protection, and resource conservation at the Friedr. Lohmann GmbH

Environmental protection, climate protection, and resource conservation have always had a very high priority at the Friedr. Lohmann GmbH. With our products, we want to help meet the growing demand for goods in a way that conserves resources.

Our responsibility and conviction

  • As a company, we share responsibility for the future of our planet and for the lives of future generations.
  • We care greatly for the future of our environment, our employees, and our company. We invest in this future through specific contributions to climate and environmental protection.
  • Our commitment to climate-friendly and efficient processes that also conserve resources not only relieves the burden on the environment and the climate, but also ensures the survival of our company, and therefore provides job security for our employees.
  • Climate protection is also health protection.
  • Our climate-friendly production reduces harmful emissions and is based on the conscious and low-risk use of raw materials. Complying with and maintaining the emission limits not just a legal requirement for us, but a matter of course. By maintaining the limits, we contribute to the protection of the climate as well as to the health of our employees and the general population.

Our Vision  

  • We are vigorously pursuing a vision of climate-neutral and resource-saving production at all Friedr. Lohmann sites.
  • We want to set a good example and act as a multiplier that promotes and initiates exchanges in industry on climate and environmental protection. We hope that this will inspire even more companies to undertake climate protection projects and recognize that climate protection is not just a matter of money.

On the other hand, they are used as components of innovative, climate-friendly technologies.

  • At the Friedr. Lohmann GmbH, climate and environmental protection is a long tradition and has been deeply rooted in our company culture for generations.
  • We have been using renewable energy since 1860 and regularly invest in climate and environmental protection. Our investments and projects always combine economic and ecological aspects.
  • In our company policies, climate and environmental protection is one of the top priorities.
  • Climate and environmental protection is not just a must for us, but a standard practice. We act with conviction - yesterday, today, and in the future.
  • We enjoy working together on climate and environmental protection projects and experiencing the corresponding success stories.
  • Our products contribute to environmental and climate protection at two levels: on the one hand, they are produced using recycled scrap, and therefore conserve important resources On the other hand, they are used as components of innovative, climate-friendly technologies. This makes us proud and motivates us every day to continuously optimize our products.