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If you are motivated and would like to work in an innovative and professional environment, then we would be happy to receive your complete application:
If you send your application by mail, then please provide an email address in your contact information!
Applications by email are just as welcome as classic job applications The documents needed when applying by email are basically the same as when sending a job application by post:
Cover letter, curriculum vitae, references & certificates.
Please send your email application in a single PDF document with a maximum size of 5 MB.
Please send your application to the following address:
Friedr. Lohmann GmbH
Werk für Spezial- & Edelstähle
Ruhrtal 2
58456 Witten-Herbede
Constantin Broska
Telephone: 0049 (0) 2302 - 70 14 175
Email: broska@lohmann-Stahl.de